Shut Out the Stigma

Keep Hope on the Line

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among North Dakotans ages 15 to 44, and yet nearly the entire state is designated as a mental health shortage area.

Teaming up to improve access to mental health services

Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota is partnering with FirstLink to support free, confidential listening and support, referrals to resources and crisis intervention 24 hours a day. For up to 20 saves each game made by the goalies of the Bismarck Bobcats, Fargo Force, University of North Dakota Fighting Hawks, and Minot Minotauros, BCBSND’s Caring Foundation will donate $50 to FirstLink to help keep hope on the line.

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Shut Out the Stigma "Saves" Scoreboard

Grand Total Donations

Grand Total Saves


Bismarck Bobcats,
159 saves


Fargo Force,
160 saves


UND Fighting Hawks,
39 saves


Minot Minotauros,
132 saves

Mental health services available in North Dakota

If you or someone you know needs mental health support, there are many ways to reach out for help.

Call or text 988

If you or someone you love are in need of support, reach out to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. You do NOT need to be in an active crisis to utilize the line. 

Dial 911

In other cases of emergency

Dial 211

For free, confidential resources,

listening and support.

Or text your zip code to 898‑211.


Find additional resources for yourself or others on the FirstLink website

Tips for Taking Care of Yourself

Engage in regular self-care. Taking care of you is the most important thing you can do. 

  • This can look like exercising, reading a book, watching TV/movies, spending time with friends and family, being outside, getting enough sleep, etc. 

In need of resources or support? Reach out today.

Tips for Taking Care of Those You Love

Check in with your friends and family members. 

If someone discloses that they are struggling, take them seriously and let them know that you are here to help. 

  • You can call the 988 Lifeline, answered locally by FirstLink, for guidance with helping others. 

Keep Hope on the Line

We’re challenging each team’s goalie to complete 20 saves each game – for each save, BCBSND Caring Foundation will donate $50 to support FirstLink. Our goal is to raise $25,000 to for mental health support and crisis intervention.

Funds raised help support:

  • $35 - support one life-saving phone call
  • $50 - funds a care and support participant's follow- up care
ice hockey player in action

State of the stigma

Mental and behavioral health are vital elements of overall well-being. Unfortunately, many people feel shame or reluctance with talking openly about it.

Data shows mental health issues are a major concern in North Dakota. The recent Social Determinants of Health report, by the BCBSND Caring Foundation and the NDSU Center for Social Research, offers key details:

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About FirstLink

FirstLink is a free, confidential service offering listening and support, referrals to resources/help, and crisis intervention 24 hours a day. FirstLink answers the 211 Information & Referral Helpline, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, and several contract lines providing support to other human service agencies. FirstLink provides these services across the entire state of North Dakota and parts of Minnesota.

FirstLink offers the Care and Support Program, a program that receives referrals from hospitals and clinics across North Dakota as well as the 211 Helpline and the 988 Lifeline. The program offers resources and coping strategies, encourages mental health treatment, and provides non-judgmental listening and support. Calls are offered weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly and work around your schedule. The Care and Support Program is confidential, free, and voluntary.